Not only do we give you the opportunity to write your comments and thoughts for each entry, but now you can vote whether you like the news or not. You can cast positive or negative votes simply by clicking on the link. You will be able to do this with any entry that it is appropriate for. We’ve just implemented it on the Janet and Justin entry. So if you like the story, click on the link which will let you cast a positive vote. If you don’t, click the negative vote! You can only vote once, so think before you vote. You can practice on this entry if you like! Have fun!
2 replies on “Rate the news”
Hey thats a cool feature Daz 🙂
ok am sooooooooooooo fucking t/d of haering this shite janet if u kiss the littli whtie boy am ssooooooooo happy for u but i hoping it was a one time thing u no what am saying an u no what j if u did lave has little ass with B/S am thinking u acting like tham yours little brethers but i h/ its a lie but janet that’s how old your nephews is 21 23 20 but if the two lovers happy well let milk an black be happy janet that boy can not do notthing for u but janet i want u to be happy am 16 an whan boys come up to me thay be like 22 232520 and i will say no an i will say no am to youg so j u need someboby who will be there for u and care for u and love u for u u need somebody who will say janet i love u u need somebody who will say let’s take it one step and will say i do not want to make u cried i want to love u u need somebody who wants to have your kids but u do not have to ware the white dress what am saying that u do not what to be with a 21 boy u need somebody who u will love for ever an is some man out there for u but u justnot looking caues j i hate whan i haer lies adout u but i got to go i will holla and do not party hard am stay in the 30’syour age and get with JD he fine well bye jj be good