
Daz’s CD:UK report

jandazcduk2asm (5k image)jandazcduk1asm (5k image)

I’ve just returned from seeing Janet perform Just A Little While live at CD:UK. It was amazing. Here is my story:

I arrived at the studios early armed with the fanbook in which over 300 people had left messages for Janet. In August 2001 when I met her in New York I also presented her with a similar book. Soon after I arrived at the studios, Janet’s blacked out car also arrived. Security huddled round and she stepped out. I shouted: “JANET!”. She stuck her hand in the air and waved and then disappeared.

Whilst queuing outside the studios waiting to go inside, Gil stepped outside for a cigarette. A friend and I went up to chat to him and I said “Gil, can you please give this fanbook to Janet?” He kindly obliged and took it inside.

When we got inside the studio, the atmosphere was buzzing. As a live TV show everything has to be precise and right first time and there is no room for error. Then we were told that Janet would be doing ANOTHER performance after the live show for use in an upcoming episode!

About half way through the show, Janet came on stage. She was looking AMAZING! She looked over and was blowing us kisses. The performance started – it was magical. Then she walked over to our side of the stage and held our hands while dancing (you’ll see me in the videoclip dancing and singing my head off!). Then later on in the performance she looked at me and realised that it was me who had given the fanbook. She said “HEY!” and walked over and was singing TO ME!! At the end of the performance, she came back over and was shaking hands with people!

After the live show, she did another performance that was equally as good!

Janet DEFINITELY knows about the site now and is in posession of the fanbook that we created for her!



By Darren

Founder of Janet Love. Have met and interviewed Janet several times. Fan since 1998.

9 replies on “Daz’s CD:UK report”

I saw u-you seemed pretty hysterical but then who would’t be? this is J were talking about! still funny tho…

Hey everyone,

Thanks for the fanbook compilation and getting it to Mahalo Daz. 😉

Doesn’t she look stunning everyone? Absolutely gorgeous, HOT. What can I say but once again she’s knocked my socks off.

god daz i am so jelous that you got so close to her, well any way i signed the online fan book and i just hope she read my message.

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