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Janet Love EXCLUSIVE: Greatest Ex

defaultpic.jpgIt’s a new dawn, it’s a new day, it’s a new song – for YOU! And we’re feeling good!

Enjoy the latest clip everyone – and let us know what you think about it. It’s called Greatest Ex, produced by The Dream and T. Stewart.

Oh and to those of you emailing me about me talking over the top of it – it’s so the pirates don’t have a field day. We support Janet and support paying for music – so please go and buy the CD if you enjoy the songs. And by the way, yes I have a cold – hence the nasal sound!

Love to all,




By Darren

Founder of Janet Love. Have met and interviewed Janet several times. Fan since 1998.

9 replies on “Janet Love EXCLUSIVE: Greatest Ex”

Wow, now this album is classic Janet with a 2008 twist, I am loving this album so far, cant wait to own it, Greatest Ex is amazing….. this album had better be big.

I like it, its music you can relate to. and she has a very pretty voice in this one. nice job Janet. JANET 2008!!

I am not liking either of these songs that much. I just wish she could actually sing. I sound like a hater, but because I expected a bit more I am a bit disappointed. It’s cool though. I am still positive that I will like the whole album soon.

I personally have had enough spoilers so I will not be listening to anymore songs other that the ones thathave been already released.
I just look forward to listening to the album in its entirity on the 26th.
I personally commend you for deterring the pirates, there are too many people that have already done enough damage when he decided to pirate RWU, LUV, Feedback, and post it on Janet-xone all the while claiming the hes a Janet fan (my ass he is) So kudos to you Darren!!!!!

this is so very nice…janet’s album new album will erase the negative vibe from 20 y.o….darren is doing the right thing…making it hard for pirates…thnx love!!!!!

btw, janet can sing…if she couldn’t, she wouldn’t have won grammys and been nominated for best vocal performance a few times. everyone can’t have powerful aretha voices. janet’s voice is soft and sweet and beautiful.

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