Multimedia News

Janet spoofs My Super Sweet 16

mtvspoof1.jpgJanet has filmed a series of spoof commercials for MTV’s 52 Bands/52 Weeks series and has also been named Artist of the Week on the network starting from Monday.

The first commercial, that can be viewed on and below is directed by Joel Schumacher and sees Janet take on a participant of MTV reality series My Super Sweet 16 in which spoilt teenagers celebrate their 16th birthday in excessive style.

News Photos

Janet parties with Saam in LA

Janet partied with boyfriend Jermaine Dupri and British video director Saam Farahmand last night at the S Bar in Los Angeles. The video for Rock With U, directed by Saam, has finished shooting and is going into post-production straight away.


News Photos

Gil posts new photo with Janet

janetgil1.jpgGil Duldulao, Janet’s choreographer and long-time friend, has posted a new photo of himself and Janet on his Myspace page.

Other new photos appear to be from the set of Janet’s new video Rock With U. They show dancers in various costumes, including X Factor’s Brian Friedman, in a CSO studio which allows the post-production team to overlay special effects and virtual sets.


News Photos

Janet on the cover of April’s Vibe

vibe2.jpgvibe1.jpgJanet will appear on the cover of April’s Vibe Magazine. The issue will feature two separate covers and go under separate cover titles: “Janet: Off The Wall” and “Janet Jackson likes to watch“. Click on the thumbnails to enlarge the covers.


Good Morning America giveaway

Island Def Jam are giving away 20 tickets to 20 lucky Janet fans to see her perform live on Good Morning America in Times Square on Tuesday, February 26th at the Nokia Theatre.

All you have to do is send an email to with your full name, age, and why you think you should win a ticket.

Fans will have to either be in NYC area or willing to cover their own travel.

News Photos

Discipline advert in UK Echoes Magazine

discipline_echoesUKad.jpgAn advert will appear in an upcoming issue of the UK’s Echoes Magazine to promote the upcoming release of Janet’s album Discipline. As you will notice from the photo to the right, the UK version of the album artwork is slightly different with Janet’s full name printed rather than just her forename. Mercury Records (Janet’s UK record label) are going for a ‘soft-release’ in the UK and allocating the bulk of their promotional budget to boost album sales upon the release of Janet’s next single, LUV.

Multimedia News

Janet talks to Rick Dees

rickdees1.jpgJanet was recently interviewed on Rick Dees’ Weekly Top 40. You can listen to the interview in full at

Darren Blogs

Kyoko Talk

As I’ve been asked several times, I thought I’d clear something up! Janet’s seemingly robotic companion on Discipline is called Kyoko – and that’s the correct spelling to avoid any confusion!


Janet on ‘What Perez Sez’ on VH1

janetperez2.jpgJanet will appear on tomorrow’s episode of What Perez Sez…About Divas at 10pm EST. In an entry on his blog he writes:

Janet Jackson is just one of the names, and there is a moment with boob grabbing that you won’t wanna miss.


EXCLUSIVE: Let Me Know lyrics

For once, Janet has included the lyrics for the bonus track in her album booklet for Discipline, Let Me Know. The song, in which Janet talks about a threesome and various sexual fantasies was written by Neyo.

Let Me Know
written by Shaffer Smith and Charles Harmon

© 2008 Universal Music-Z Songs
Lyrics by Shaffer Smith (aka Neyo)

Hello lover
Welcome to fantasies fulfilled,
If u enter ur ID number we can begin
(Let’s Go Let’s Go)
You have entered 0069

I could dress up for you
Play your favourite song
Wear your favourite thong
Set the mood

Get creative
Call up a friend or two
(Depending on what you can handle)

Whatever u want to do
All u got to do is
Let Me Know
Let Me Know
How u want it
Let Me Know

Take off the clothes
Leave on the shoes
Experiment with your favourite fruit
Any particular position
Karma Sutra
Ain’t nothing for a woman like me
I’m flexible, incredible, edible

Top or bottom baby
Ur one of a kind
Any and everything

Let Me Know
(Let Me Know)
Let Me Know